A Revolution in Broadband Seismic on Land – How Low and High Can We Go?
P.I. Pecholcs1, M. Denis1, P. Hernmann1, and E. Suaudeau1
Seismic surveys have always been designed “fit-for-purpose” for exploration and development and constrained by equipment, time and cost. In the past, the receiver and source density have been limited by the recording system, productivity methods, sweep design and cost. The best cost-effective designs were wide azimuth. But these survey designs failed to deliver the azimuthal sampling density needed for pre-stack analysis. Today, the new generation 100,000++ channel recording systems, simultaneous blended source productivity methods, broadband sweep designs and point source/point sensor configurations have removed this limitation. These emerging technologies can now deliver a full-azimuth survey with uniform sampling in all processing domains, which gives us the opportunity to extend the bandwidth to both lower and higher frequencies. This increase in bandwidth improves the vertical and horizontal resolution and continuity of seismic images and impedance volumes, which are ideally conditioned for automatic picking algorithms. Geobodies can now be automatically extracted with rock properties distributed at the reservoir level. These high resolution impedance and attribute volumes is the framework for an initial reservoir model, which includes fault planes, fracture corridors, swarms and delineation of stratigraphic units. Integrating all the disciplines will improve the quality of the reservoir geologic model, drilling programs and reservoir simulation.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain