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The Interpretation of 1-Dimention Models to Enhance Potentiality of the Sargelu Formations in North and South Iraq

A.A. Najaf1

1University of Al Nahrain


One-dimension, petroleum-system models of (14) key wells in North and South Iraq were studied to enhance all approaches determines potentiality of Sargelu Formation that consider as the most formative Jurassic source rocks not even in Iraq but in almost all Oilfields in Arabian Gulf . Five exploratory wells (Qc-1, Aj-8, Taq-1, Jk-1, and Bm-15) within northern part(Zagros fold belt) , and nine wells defiantly at Majnoon oil field south of Iraq at Mesaan Governorate ( Mj-2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15and 19) within Mesopotamian basin .Those wells were developed using Integrated Exploration System (IES) PetroMod Software to simulate and evaluate burial –thermal history ,source rock maturity ,and the timing and extent of petroleum generation . The oil-generation potential of sulfur-rich Sargelu source rocks was simulated using closed-system, Type II-S kerogen kinetics. Model results indicate that throughout northern and Southern Iraq generation and expulsion of oil from the Sargelu began and ended in the late Miocene. Each model is a numerical formulation of the burial-thermal history at the model (well) location based on interpretation of combined geologic and geochemical data in a temporal frame work, and it includes the principal elements (source rocks, reservoir rocks, and seals) of the total petroleum system. In the regional 2D model, thermal maturity and petroleum generation and expulsion histories were simulated on 1D profile and model results were extracted for the top middle Jurassic surface at present day at only the model location. Oil generation and expulsion are relatively recent events, and occurred in the Paleogene to early Neogene from about 6 Ma to present-day.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain