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Viability of Inversion Through Feasibility Study of Elastic Properties for Tertiary Reservoir Characterization

H. Moubarak1, M. Abdul Razak1, Y. Al-Zuabi1, and M. Rahaman1



This paper presents observations from a feasibility study for shallow Tertiary reservoir in North Kuwait. Two sandstone layers interpreted to have different properties. The challenge is to discriminate between reservoir and non-reservoir facies based on log character by correlating between elastic properties (P-impedance, S-impedance and density) and petrophysical properties (porosity, clay content) and investigate whether the combination of P-impedance and S-impedance allow us to differentiate between layer 1 and layer 2 which will help in the second phase of the project (inversion). Geology of the two layers of interest can be described as follow: Layer 1 - the unit consists dominantly of fine to coarse, poorly sorted, thinly laminated fluvial channel sandstone interbedded with silty shale and very fine to medium sandy bioturbated shale and minor argillaceous and bioturbated sandstone. Layer 2 - the unit comprises dominantly fine to medium, subtly upward fining, moderately well sorted, horizontally as well cross laminated sandstone with common 0.5 to 1ft thick beds of intraclastic conglomerates with erosive contacts in the underlying beds. The top of the unit appears to be transitional into the overlying layer 2 Shale. Data used were 7 wells were all wells penetrated the target at different depths.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain