*Enhancing Reservoir Performance of a Marginal Oilfield through Advance Well Placement Application in North China
W. Fei1, L.S. Zhong1, X.C. Hui1, L. Cang1, Y. Wang1, X.G. Min2, G.Z. Min2, L.Y. Hua2, L.Q. Lu22, and W.Y. Ling2
The Du28 block located in North China that had been producing for more than 30 years, the highest primary oil production of 27000 ton/year was reached in 1982 with 300m to 500m well pattern. The reservoir fell into a significant production decline phase beginning in 1996. The reservoir was on the brink of obsolescence in 2010 when the primary oil production was 3500 ton/year and a 0.1% annual oil recovery factor was recorded. The lower sand communication, higher differences of oil/water viscosity ratio and imperfect well pattern all contributed to the lower overall development effect.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain