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*Reliability of Reservoir Forecast in One of the West Siberia Fields

M.L. Evdokimova, T.F. Sokolova11, E.O. Malysheva2, and S.Z. Yunusova3

1CGG Jason
2TNK-BP management


Summary The presence of oil and gas pools associated with non-anticline structures in West Siberian basin initiated exclusive state-of-art reservoir characterization technologies for exploitation and development of new oil and gas fields. The paper shows the reliability analysis of reservoir and net pay thicknesses determination in Jurassic-2 (J2) formation, by comparing of the well log interpretation results in new drilled wells with thickness map from geostatistical stochastic inversion. Conformability of the prediction results demonstrates that the estimation of reservoir properties in clastics formations based on geostatistical partial stack inversion is very reliable and results are confirmed by newly drilled wells. The results can be successfully used for planning future production wells.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain