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*Delineating thin-bed tight gas sand reservoir with prestack joint PP/PS inversion

Zhiwen Deng1, Ming Qiang1, Shuanghu Shi1, Xiaofeng Liang1, Xiaofeng Liang1, Yijun Zhou1, and Qingjia Tong1

1BGP Inc., China National Petroleum Corporation


The thickness of single sandstone is about 30-60m and the thickness of single gas sandstone is less than 10m. But the range of gas sandstones is greater than 80,000km2 in the Ordos Basin of Northwestern China. It poses challenges to predict the gas sand reservoir because of drastic lateral lithological variations in the fluvial sediments in Dyas. The P-velocity or impedance of tight sand bearing gas decreases, which may the same as that of shale surrounding rock . A prestack stochastic inversion of joint PP and PS data conducted recently provided an effective technique for solving the problem and successfully delineating the characteristics of the reservoir.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain