Tectonic significance of the Avroman Formation: confirmation of Glennie et al.’s (1974) model from Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Laura Davies1, Ágoston Sasvári1, and Andrew Mann1
Close to Zalm Village in the Avroman Mountains of Northern Kurdistan, a deformed sequence of the Megalodontaceae-bearing Upper Triassic limestones crops out. The Triassic section is dramatically folded, and thrusted on the younger Mesozoic Qulqula Formation.
The uppermost half of the Avroman Formation is a massive, thick bedded, Megalodontaceae-bearing, white to light grey, light yellowish limestone. Complete Megalodontaceae and a significant number of Megalodontaceae fragments were found, indicative of a subtidal platform or platform edge (e.g. Hauer, 1853; Gümbel, 1862). The lower half of this unit comprises a thinner (~10-20 cm), well bedded, medium grey limestone with small scale spherical grains, ooids, oncoids or peloids with no macroscopic fossils.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain