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Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Campanian -Late Maastrichtian successions from Kurdistan foreland basin, Kurdistan Region. (NE-Iraq)

F.A. Ameen1

1F.A. Ameen


The new discoveries of giant oil and gas oil fields in the high and low folded thrust zone from Kurdistan region (NE-Iraq) needs more attentions towards the depositional basin generation; and evolutions, among them the Kurdistan foreland basin from Westernzagros segment. From structural point of view, Kurdistan foreland basin was bounded by Khanaqin and greater Zab traversal faults. A sequence stratigraphic and tectonic model for the Kurdistan foreland basin was proposed based on surface and subsurface data from more than 14 wells and outcrops. In this work, the late cretaceous tectonic Megasequence (Ap.9) was subdivided into two second-order sequences from oldest to youngest (Cr.A and Cr.B). The second order sequence (Cr.B) mostly comprised of three third- order sequences .The first one is the pre-flysch pelagic deep marine facies of the Shiranish Formations (Cr.B1) of Middle Campanian- early Maastrchtian age. The second Cr.B.2 sequences involves the distal-proximal turbidites facies of the Tanjero Formation (Middle Late Maastrchtian) .The third order sequence Cr.B.3, manifested by the rudist carbonates of the Aqra formation (Late Maastrchtian). In the imbricated zone about 250 m conglomerates capped the whole successions capped by sequence boundary of type one. During the paleogene, the depocenter was migrated towards Arabian platform, accordingly the Red Bed Series (molasses) overfill the basin. The integrated influence of the propagated deformation front of the zagros with the reactivations of the blind thrust faults mostly controlled the geometry and architectural style and evolutions of the late cretaceous reservoirs, among them new Aqra reservoirs.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain