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Regional Subsurface Geocellular Modeling of a Palaeodelta for 3D GIS Assimilation

J.S. Alyami1

1Saudi Aramco


One of crucial challenges of modern geoscience is to develop a 3D spatial information system that is scalable in nature to fit the needs of decision makers. Such a system can be achieved by the integration of subsurface geological models and surface data using 3D GIS.

In this study, various large clastic oil reservoir models in anticlinal structures are integrated into a single gigantic 3D regional monoclinal geocellular framework, encompassing an area almost half of Saudi Arabia. The western boundary of this framework is a high-resolution topographic erosional surface, delimited as the present Cretaceous outcrop. A gigantic monocline structure was interpreted using all available seismic amplitude volumes. The structure dips to the east and extends from Central Arabian outcrops to offshore Arabian Gulf anticlinal oil traps at depths around 5000 feet subsea. While the anticlines contain trapped hydrocarbons, the regional monocline extends up dip, towards the outcrops hosting significant aquifers, with lower salinity at higher elevations, and possible hydrocarbon accumulations in small undiscovered traps. Furthermore, the lateral limits of permeable sandstone bodies are uncertain, as extensive areas remain undrilled, and yet need to be delimited.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain