TFEM test results and the Integration of TFEM with Well data: case study from South Oman
A.S. Al-Ismaily1, S. Azri1, S. Mahrooqi1, and H. Farran1
Controlled-source Electromagnetic (CSEM) is primarily used to determine the resistivity distributions of subsurface rocks. The main factor of the resistivity variations come from the presence of the fluid content. In the past 20 years several types of CSEM were developed to include: Long-offset TEM (LOTEM) (Strack, 1992), Circular Electrical Dipole (CED) (Mogilatov and Balashov, 1996), multichannel TEM (MTEM) (Wright et al., 2002), focused-source EM (FSEM) (Davydycheva et al., 2006; Davydycheva and Rykhlinski, 2009), and Time Frequency Electromagnetic (TFEM). The TFEM was introduced in 2001 by BGP (Zhou et al,. 2001).
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain