Chemostratigraphy Analysis as a Guide for High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy: Greater Burgan, Kuwait
B. AlEnezi1, D. Al-Maatar1, J. Filak2, and B. Murat2
A detailed chemo-stratigraphic study has been performed for the Albian-Cenomanian Wara-Burgan complex of Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait to establish chemostratigraphic zonations as the foundation for a chemostratigraphic correlation framework. Furthermore, the framework provides an independent constraint on the stratigraphy of the Greater Burgan sequences that can be integrated with information relating to the lithostratigraphy, sedimentology, and biostratigraphy.
Chemostratigraphy involves the characterization of sedimentary strata based on variations in their whole rock inorganic geochemistry, resulting in chemostratigraphic zonations being erected for the strata. Chemostratigraphy is particularly effective in siliciclastic successions with little biostratigraphic control, such as stacked sequences of fluvial sandstones. The success of the technique is due to the geochemical provenance signature of siliciclastic rocks, as reflected by the varying abundance of the relatively immobile elements, relatively unaffected by the processes of weathering, transport and diagenesis.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain