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Paleogeographic Reconstruction and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Muddy Portion of the Entrada Sandstone: South-central Utah

George Jennings
Brigham Young University, Department of Geologic Sciences
Provo, Utah, United States of America
[email protected]

Several temporally distinct, paleogeographic maps of the Entrada Sandstone detailing the various depositional facies will be developed to enhance understanding of the diverse depositional environments preserved in this body of rock. Locations of measured sections that can be correlated within the Entrada will be plotted on a map using ArcGIS. Areas of outcrop with insufficient measured sections of the Entrada Sandstone will be identified and measured in the field. The measured sections will then be correlated using sequence stratigraphy. Ideally three outlines of the facies distributions at separate times (to be determined by the sequences) will be drawn in Adobe Illustrator. These outlines will be exported to Adobe Photoshop where, using the clone and paintbrush tools along with modern digital elevation maps from ArcGIS, detailed paleogeographic maps will be created. This project will provide a much more detailed interpretation of the paleogeography of Utah during the deposition of the muddy portion of the Entrada Sandstone than has previously been attempted, allowing for new interpretations of both regional climatic and tectonic settings to be made. In addition, some facies in the Entrada Sandstone have proven to be effective hydrocarbon reservoirs and seals. This project will enable more accurate predictions to be made about the locations of potential hydrocarbon bearing facies.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90183©2013 AAPG Foundation 2013 Grants-in-Aid Projects