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Constraining Active Deformation on the Guaicaramo Fault; Implications for Strain Partitioning along the Eastern Cordillera and Llanos Basin of Colombia

Erica Dalman, Michael Taylor, Gabriel Veloza, and Andrés Mora
University of Kansas, Department of Geology, Lawrence, KS, USA
ICP-Ecopetrol Bucaramanga, Colombia
[email protected]

The eastern foothills of the Colombian Andes are actively deforming and preserving faulted and folded fluvial terraces. However, the Quaternary deformation rates in the region remain largely unknown. With the use of Terrestrial in situ Cosmogenic Nuclide (TCN) geochronology, topographic profiles, and seismic reflection data, we can better understand how strain is partitioned across the Andes and into the South American plate. Over 20 TCN samples were collected from 6 faulted and folded fluvial terraces on the hanging wall of the Guaicaramo thrust fault. We will measure the concentration of in situ produced 10Be, which is proportional to the surface exposure age of the land surface that constrains the timing of uplift by thrust faulting. This research will aid in our understanding of thrust wedge mechanics and dynamics, mitigation of seismic hazards, and the age of hydrocarbon producing structures in the region.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90183©2013 AAPG Foundation 2013 Grants-in-Aid Projects