The Regional Paleofluid System of Lisbon Valley, Paradox Basin, Utah: Constraints from 3D Modeling and Fracture Analysis
Matthew W. Fleming and Mark P. Fischer
Northern Illinois University
The regional fluid system associated with salt structures tends to be complex due to the folding and fracturing of rock during diapirism. The resulting fracture networks tend to have a large influence on how geofluids, such as hydrocarbons, are distributed in the vicinity of these structures. In order to better understand the distribution and compartmentalization of these geofluids, I am conducting a regional paleofluid system study of the Lisbon Valley Salt Anticline, a well-exposed salt roller in the Paradox Basin.
The goal of this project is to determine the role that regional fracture networks played in the distribution, timing, and accumulation of the geofluids at Lisbon Valley. To accomplish this, I will be conducting a mesoscopic structural analysis of fractures in the field as well as collecting vein and host rock samples. The samples will be analyzed to obtain petrographic, stable isotopic, and fluid inclusion data that constrain the paleofluid properties.
In addition, I will utilize publically available well logs and 3D seismic data to better understand Lisbon Valley’s fracture network at depth. By creating and restoring a 3D structural model using Midland Valley’s Move software, I will determine the relative timing of fracture development, understand how the fracture network developed throughout the area, and compare fractures at depth to fractures at the surface. Surface and subsurface data will be subjected to a geospatial analysis to determine the evolution of the paleofluid system of Lisbon Valley.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90181©2013 AAPG/SEG Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, September 27-30, 2013