A 3-Dimensional Sequence Stratigraphic Modeling of the Fort Scott/Oswego Cyclothem (Pennsylvanian/Desmoinsian)
Juliana T. Amboh
University of Tulsa
The Fort Scott is a member of the Marmaton Group of the Desmoinesian Series of the Middle Pennsylvanian rocks in the Northern Midcontinent region. The Fort Scott Formation was deposited during the first major middle Pennsylvanian marine transgression into Kansas and Oklahoma. In the subsurface of Oklahoma the Fort Scott is equivalent to the Oswego Limestone which is a reservoir. The Fort Scott/Oswego consists of three members in ascending order: Breezy Hill Limestone, Excello Shale, Blackjack Creek Limestone, Little Osage Shale, and Higginsville Limestone.
The objectives of this research project are to build a 3-D sequence stratigraphic correlation model of the Fort Scott/Oswego Formation in northeastern Oklahoma and southeastern Kansas. This study is looking at the geometry of the Fort Scott/Oswego cyclothems, how they vary both vertically and horizontally in terms of both thickness and facies. Petrography would be done to determine the depositional environment. This study will also test past lithostratigraphic correlation of the Fort Scott Formation. The study will be extended into the subsurface using well logs to construct a three-dimensional correlation model of the cyclothems that compose the Fort Scott/Oswego limestones. Stratigraphic and structural cross sections would be constructed using the well logs. Isopach maps would be also be created to illustrate variations in thickness.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90181©2013 AAPG/SEG Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, September 27-30, 2013