Mississippian Fractured Chert in Southeastern Kansas
Chris Carson and Shane Matson
Oil has been produced from Mississippian rocks in Southeastern Kansas since at least 1916, from the high porosity tripolite lying just below the Pennsylvanian unconformity. It has been demonstrated that commercial quantities of oil are present in the Mississippian below this historically productive zone. These lower intervals are being targeted by a current exploration effort in Chautauqua Co., Kansas. The Mississippian Lime presents a diverse set of reservoirs influenced by deposition and multiple phases of digenesis. We are classifying Mississippian Lime reservoirs as Fractured Chert, Upper Tripolite, or Lime Mudstone. Each facies can yield unique production characteristics and should be considered when discussing relative well performance. The Fractured Chert component of the Miss Lime exhibits attributes that are conceptually analogous to unconventional resource plays. This facies has been successfully exploited by several operators east of the Nemaha Ridge in Oklahoma and more recently into Kansas. We will present our effort to map facies and predict relative well performance along with results of the Nemaha Oil and Gas drilling program.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90176©AAPG Mid-Continent Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, October 12-15, 2013