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Exploring New Frontiers in Prediction and Evaluation of Virtualized Well Locations Using Geo-spatial and Geo-statistical Analysis

Breuer, Eduard1 and Burns, Gregory
1[email protected]

Shale plays gas reservoirs are critically important domestic source of clean natural gas. To find reliable well locations in a brand new previously unexplored play, one must examine a plethora of core data from separate text files. Such data contain very detailed information, including mineralogy, rock properties, organic content and much more.

In a new frontier, where detailed geological interpretations are often missing, a different methodological approach is needed. This approach combines A relational database system, geo-statistics, and GIS to find reliable exploration well locations.

The utilization of a relational database management system allows for custom data searches, minimizing human error and processing time. Data is grouped by horizons, types of data and its ranges. Each data table follows all the rules to be at least in third normal form. Such data can be easily queried, resulting in custom dataset.

A more localized study area was selected and investigated for influence of clustering. Further, geostatistics were used to test for normality and to identify extremes that could skew the results. Relationships between parameters and productions were identified. A few expected parameters, such as permeability, indicated that there is no correlation between production and permeability of shales.

Data passing the test of normality and having correlation relationships was defined and imported into a GIS system. Each individual geochemical parameters and probable production (IP30) of selected horizons data between selected wells were spatially extended into a continuous 3D layer using a spatial kriging method. The outputs were stored in a spatial database to be visually inspected. Further a mesh of 'virtual wells' was laid over the study area. This technique is called a 'fishnet'. Next all individual layers were spatially joined. The geologist has the benefit not only to visually see the horizon and the continuous interpolation of the parameter of interest, but can click on any of the 'virtual wells' and instantly obtain a full list of all interpreted geochemical and production parameters.

The power of this method is that it can be built on top of any software. The ability to combine custom queries to provide data for the virtual wells can benefit any size operation, given reliable data is available. The results of this method were in a very good corelation to findings published in AAPG Bulletin year after the original work was done.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90166©2013 AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Cartagena, Colombia, 8-11 September 2013