Geologic Overview and Activity Update for the Utica-Point Pleasant Shale Play in Ohio
Perry, Christopher J.; Riley, Ronald A.; Erenpreiss, Matthew S.
The Ohio Division of Geological Survey conducts research, creates geologic maps, and is monitoring development activity in our effort to evaluate, qualify, and quantify source rock characteristics and potential of the Utica-Point Pleasant interval in Ohio. This Ordovician-age, organic-rich shale and laminated-carbonate, contiguous reservoir system is centered in eastern and central Ohio and is presently the subject of a vigorous drilling and development play. Leasing and early stratigraphic and geochemical testing of this unconventional reservoir began in 2009. In Ohio, the first horizontal exploration and assessment wells were drilled and completed in late 2010 and early 2011. By September 2012, of the 358 permits issued, 27 wells were producing, 133 wells were being drilled or completed, and 190 wells were in early stages of drilling preparation. Increasing permitting activity and early production results indicate that this play will continue to grow. To date production results provide early indications of the viability of the play. With 18 months of production data now available for over a dozen new horizontal wells, and with a growing amount of completion reports and operator-issued production results also available, the Ohio Geological Survey has constructed a more comprehensive picture and understanding of the play's characteristics. We have also posted such early production results on our previously developed source rock maturity maps, making it possible to validate the mapped "windows" that delineate zones of dry gas, lean and rich condensate, and oil. This exercise raises our confidence of the accuracy of these maps, at least within areas where we have production results to utilize.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163©2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013