Identification of Future Oil Potential from Upper Devonian Venango Sandstones in Central Appalachians
Ober, Eric G.; Eckert, Craig
Correlation of discrete sand bodies within the Venango Group sandstones of northern WV allows for mapping of sand bodies with porosities averaging 13%, but as high as 25%. Net sand, pay (sandstone with > 8% porosity), and average porosity were mapped across structural axes where oil had accumulated in the synclines and gas in the anticlines. Volumetric mapping of Venango sandstone reservoirs has been shown to produce results that are consistent with previously published data. Application of this methodology to remaining fields suggests that accurate estimation of in-place reserves is possible. Oil production from many of the fields studied has been less than 25% of the estimated original oil in place, indicating that the vast majority of this resource remains unexploited with current technology.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163©2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013