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Research and Application of Formation Image Analysis Technology in Paleogene Reservoir Prediction, Bohai Bay, China

Jifeng, Deng

The mid-depth structure is complicated in Bohai bay, burial depth,facies change is big and poor quality of seismic data, paleogene reservoir prediction is difficult, inaccurate result of reservoir prediction caused no oil and gas discovery , reservoir prediction results is very important in mid-depth exploration of Bohai bay,China. Based on the working practice, this paper puts forward using seismic image analysis technology for reservoir prediction method, the basic idea of the technology is: combing the seismic signal feature information and geological process, apply digital image processing technology to getting rock phase image, can understand underground geological three-dimensional outline, internal different rock structure and other geological unit boundary adjacency relations, and then inferred the forming environment and lithology, lithofacies distribution. At the same time, fully excavate the potential of seismic data, extract seismic attribute , including amplitude, frequency, absorption attenuation, and vertical and horizontal wave impedance, prestack,post-stack information, carried out multispectral imaging, complete the research of clastic rock reservoir sedimentary facies. To solve the traditional method for well seismic calibration window not correspondence, noise, multiple solution and cause statistical results interpretability poor, compared with the traditional reservoir prediction algorithm, has the characteristics which has wide field of vision, multiple solution less, geological meaning clear, strong reliability and so on. Apply this technology to carry out reservoir prediction in QHD30 structure of Bohai bay , and has obtained good effect.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163©2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013