Identification and Prediction of the High Heterogeneous Channel Sand in Southern Turgay Basin
Yueying Hong; Hongmei Wang; Wenyuan Tian; Aling Mo
With the development of high quality 3-D seismic exploration in Southern Turgay Basin, the exploration targets are being shifted from the structural traps to stratigraphic traps. As for one of the most important reservoir, the identification and prediction of the high heterogeneous channel-sands is the key to enhance drilling success rate and reduce the investment risk. The multi-geophysical methods and integrated studies of geology and geophysics have been applied to determine the distributed area of the channel-sands in Southern Turgay Basin.
The channel-sands are widely distributed from Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous. The channel-sands in the mature explored Cretaceous strata are meandering or braided river bars. On well-logging, the SP curve of the channel sand presents the block - shape and positive cycle with bell - shape with high porosity and permeability, and lower self-potential, gamma ray and density; Whereas in seismic profiles, channel sands presented the ‘bright spot' with the low frequency, high amplitude and short reflection. No obvious rules of ‘bright spot' can be found in the seismic profiles. The multi-geophysical methods, such as strata slice, 3-D visualization and spectral decomposition, etc., have been applied to identify more than 50 pieces of channel-sands with the cutting and overlying each other vertically and horizontally.
As for the relatively lower explored Upper Jurassic strata, the channel-sands developed in submerged distributary channel, branching mouth bars of deltaic system or fan deltaic system. On well-logging, channel sand presents the middle porosity and permeability, and lower self-potential, gamma ray and density; Low-frequency and varied amplitude presents in seismic profiles. The area distribution of the deltaic or fan deltaic can be determined by sequence stratigraphy and the distribution of the channel-sands in different cycles vertically can be identified by chronostratigraphic interpretation in wheeler domain.
Several cases suggested that the integration of strata slice, chronostratigraphic interpretation in wheeler domain, 3-D visualization and spectral decomposition is an effective method to identify the high heterogeneous channel-sand which has been confirmed by drilling results.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163©2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013