Sequence Stratigraphic Framework Approach for the Identification and Mapping of Upper Devonian Siltstones in Northern West Virginia, Appalachian Basin
Eckert, Craig; Ober, Eric G.; McCallum, Scott
Vertical wells commingling gas production from upper Devonian siltstone and sandstone reservoirs have been produced for over 100 years in northern WV. The identification and thorough understanding of the siltstone trends as potential resource plays is of great interest to our industry. Methodologies for better mapping and identifying these trends was employed using sequence stratigraphic approach to best correlate these internal clastic reservoir units.
Discrete stratigraphic sequences were mapped by identifying and correlating fourth order flooding surfaces within the upper Devonian Famennian-Frasnian section of northern WV. These mapped sequences contain mostly distal turbidites, and reveal three dimensional geometries attributable to the subtle, but active movement of re-activated Grenville age basement blocks. Recurrent movement along many of these basement faults and cross-strike discontinuities (CSDs) is reflected in the alignment, morphology and extent of many of these linear turbidite bars.
Evidence for compartmentalization of these tight siltstone reservoirs has been observed in stratigraphically equivalent productive siltstones in southern WV. Reservoir similarities and favorable production results from these siltstone reservoirs lead to the conclusion that similar potential could be expected from the far more extensive northern WV siltstone reservoirs.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163©2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013