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Basin Accommodation Analysis: Integrative Sand Prediction, Deep Water Gulf of Mexico

Blackerby, Jim; Cross, Joe W.; Mornet, Christopher; Wu, Xinxia

A new integrative methodology utilizing basin setting and accommodation is proposed for better prediction of net sand distributions in Gulf of Mexico minibasins. These minibasins exhibit a broad range in planform morphology, cross-sectional area, thickness and basin setting. Interval net to gross distributions provide one method to address sand risk, but may not provide the level of detail desired when characterizing net sand ranges within individual mini-basins and associated basin settings.

Sedimentation rates and distribution are a direct result of basin setting, which can be tied to accommodation. This new methodology integrates basin setting, available well control and a simple classification of relative accommodation within the individual basins.

Critical data employed for the analysis include an isopach map of a targeted interval with eighty-four well penetrations and associated net sand values located in twenty-three individual basins. These data were used to characterize general basin settings and delineate three accommodation indexes. The three indexes are given the names; Low, Medium and High Accommodation. This integrative approach provides a new way to measure and predict net sand distributions across a range of different basins.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90163©2013AAPG 2013 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19-22, 2013