Active Petroleum Systems in Alaska’s Interior Basins: Nenana and Yukon Flats
Van Kooten, Gerald K.
[email protected]
Based on new and ongoing exploration efforts by Doyon Limited, several basins in Interior Alaska appear to have active petroleum systems with the potential for large oil and gas accumulations. Recent and new data in the Nenana and Yukon Flats basins include 2D seismic surveys, reprocessed heritage 2D seismic, aero-gravity surveys with integrated gravity and magnetic basement interpretations, surface and subsurface hydrocarbon and source rock geochemistry, and exploration drilling in 2009 and 2013 (planned). These data permit an evaluation of basin geometry, source and reservoir rock potential, thermal history, and an estimation of the exploration potential of large subsurface structures. Current exploration in 2013 includes winter 3D seismic at Yukon Flats and a summer 12,000’ test in the Nenana basin. The State of Alaska is participating in these seismic and drilling programs through the State exploration incentive program for frontier areas. These State programs potentially rebate 75% of seismic costs and 80% of drilling costs.
Active petroleum systems in Nenana and Yukon Flats basins are indicated by 20-25,000’ of sedimentary basin fill, excellent oil-prone coals and coaly shale source rocks, reservoir and seal rock facies, oil shows and heavy gases in Nunivak #1, and heavy hydrocarbon gases and medium to high gravity oil fluorescence in surface sediments.
Exploration data owned by Doyon Limited from the Nenana and Yukon Flats basins can be viewed online at
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90162©2013 Pacific Section AAPG, SPE and SEPM Joint Technical Conference, Monterey, California, April 19-25, 2013