--> ABSTRACT: Geoscience Workforce for 21st Century Challenges, by Marilyn J. Suiter and Lina C. Patino; #90158 (2012)

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Geoscience Workforce for 21st Century Challenges

Marilyn J. Suiter and Lina C. Patino
National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Virginia 22230

Difficult decisions lie ahead for our society—decisions that require geoscientists to have the ability to solve complex, multi-disciplinary problems. Academic institutions and other partners in the geoscience community are relied on to prepare a workforce that is able to meet energy and environmental challenges. Many are implementing changes in curricula to prepare teachers and researchers for the cross-disciplinary demands resulting from global change in Earth’s climate. The impacts of these changes are assessed by social sciences—economics, business, finance, urban planning, and/or political science—and natural and physical sciences.

Resulting needs for 21st century workers have been established by resource industries and by professional geosciences societies, among others. In this paper we present models for developing a diverse workforce that is competent in addressing complex, multi-disciplinary problems associated with global change.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90158©2012 GCAGS and GC-SEPM 6nd Annual Convention, Austin, Texas, 21-24 October 2012