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Facies Estimation and Regional Stratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Mesaverde Group, Uinta and Piceance Basins

Daniel Allen
University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Earth Sciences Boulder, Colorado, United States of America
[email protected]

This study seeks to accomplish two main objectives. First, to establish a set of core-defined, quantitatively distinct electrofacies that fully represents the architectural elements present in the study interval and to then use statistical methods to estimate their occurrence in the wireline log data of non-cored intervals and wells (N~400) throughout the study area. The second goal is to integrate outcrop measured sections with the wireline log data in which electrofacies have been estimated to create gridded cross sections in order to map the distribution of architectural elements as they occur across the study area.

The fluvial deposits of the middle and upper Mesaverde Group of the western Piceance Basin, Colorado and the eastern Uinta Basin, Utah, are potentially significant hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs. However, limited studies currently exist for these relatively high net sand content fluvial deposits. The results of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the fluvial system and depositional setting responsible for these deposits and how it varies stratigraphically and geographically. Results from this study can also provide information on the distributions of key reservoir facies and can be useful as constraints in the creation of more realistic geological models.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90157©2012 AAPG Foundation 2012 Grants-in-Aid Projects