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A Four-Dimensional Basin and Petroleum System Modeling for the Piceance Basin

Yao Tong, Tapan Mukerji, and Allegra Scheirer

We study the Piceance Basin of Colorado using numerical models to depict the geometry and three-dimensional spatial evolution of the basin and petroleum system through time (4-D). Basin and petroleum system modeling can provide quantitative information on basin temperature history; maturation history; pressure/overpressure history; location and timing of hydrocarbon generation; hydrocarbon composition; hydrocarbon expelled from the source rock; hydrocarbon migration through the carrier rock; hydrocarbon accumulation and loss. It is an integration of the complex components and physical processes. Petroleum production in the Piceance basin began in 1931 and 38 fields have been discovered and produced since then. Among the 38 fields, 21 of them produce partially or completely from basin-centered gas accumulation (BCGA). The 4-D model will provide deeper insights of the BCGA and better characterize the petroleum systems. The model input will include structural and stratigraphic data for key horizons and maps of unit thickness, lithology/facies, source rock properties (original total organic carbon, pyrolysis experimental data), paleobathymetry, and heat flow. Anticipated petroleum systems to be modeled include the source rocks, reservoir and seal rocks and traps. Using this quantitative and integrated approach, we will achieve three major goals: 1) have a better understanding of the basin centered gas in Piceance Basin; 2) assess associated uncertainty (both parameter and spatial level) involved in basin and petroleum modeling process; 3) explore advanced modules in PetroMod for unconventional resources exploration in a real world problem.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90156©2012 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Grand Junction, Colorado, 9-12 September 2012