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The Geologic Map of the Grand Valley, Mesa County, Colorado

Ryan Baker and Verner Johnson

The Geologic Map of the Grand Valley consolidates published geologic maps from the Colorado National Monument to the top of the Grand Mesa into one comprehensive map. This map can be used as a tool to more completely understand the geologic history of the Grand Valley, as an aid in the preliminary planning and design of structures, and as a supplement to environmental studies. The map was created by combining GIS files downloaded from the United States Geological Survey for the following 7.5 minute quadrangles: Colorado National Monument, Grand Junction, Clifton, and Palisade. Geologic features were digitally rendered for the Lands End 7.5' minute quadrangle. The files were merged in ArcGIS 10, and opposing interpretations were reconciled using aerial photographs. The final map was formatted and symbolized using the Federal Geographic Data Committee Geologic Mapping Standards (2006). GIS has proved to be excellent tool in the preparation of this geologic map.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90156©2012 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Grand Junction, Colorado, 9-12 September 2012