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Integrated 3-D Modelling of an Unconventional Fractured Basement Reservoir

Neff, Pascale *1
(1) OMV E&P GmbH, Vienna, Austria.

The geomodel of a fractured basement reservoir model is realized in order to integrate new available data, particularly 3D seismic cubes and attributes, and flowmeter logs. Considering the geological context of this field, a particular attention has been given to capture its flow behaviour. To do so, it has been necessary to use a dual media approach, thus to characterize and model the matrix and the fracture network. We intend to describe the implemented approach starting with the update of the structural model integrating the latest seismic interpretation. Seismic attributes have been also used to constrain the matrix properties modelling. Then the analysis of fracturing related data that lead to confirm the previously developed conceptual model for the fracture network. Finally a new Discrete Fracture Network DFN model is realized in accordance to the developed concept and integrating more constrains from the new data. This DFN is also calibrated towards dynamic data which allows establishing key production characteristics of the field and relevant production forecasts for the field development.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90141©2012, GEO-2012, 10th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 March 2012, Manama, Bahrain