Revealing Perspective Sites by Gravity and Magnetic Data
Chernov, Andrey A.*1
(1) Pangea Inc, Moscow, Russian Federation.
The analysis of mutual situation of geopotential fields extremuma and productive anticlinal structures in Ob-Taz bay and other areas is shown. The most interesting feature of abnormal magnetic and gravitational fields in many areas is the steady localization of the majority of HC deposits of local minima of these fields. I.e., direct connection of HC deposits with anomalies of fields is exist. Gravity effect is caused by influence of mineralization on contact of petroleum (gas) to containing rocks and fluid migration by a section and other reasons. On the basis of stated is judged conclusion of use of the gravity and magnetic data in a complex of investigation by oil and gas search in the given area. The definition of oil-gas potential of sedimentary beds is impossible without realization of geophysical researches, the major place among them is occupied the interpretation of anomalies of geopotential fields The set of diversified initial data by different methods and different scales in aggregate reasonably enough describes objectively existing geological environment. The complex interpretation of the geophysical data (seismic, gravity and magnetic) with the purpose definition of oil-gas potential of sedimentary beds in rather complex geological conditions is carried out. The dislocations with a break and faults are mapping on all area of researches and framing territory. Within the limits of researched site the anomalies presumably connected to zones of splitting are allocated. The zones, perspective on detection of HC deposits are determined. The investigated structure represents brachy-anticline fold by the isometric form, which dome is slightly extended in a northwest direction. The original technique of mapping of HC traps on the basis of quantitative interpretation of gravitational and magnetic fields is developed. It essentially differs from other techniques: first, result are a quantitative estimation of values of density of local heterogeneities; secondly, depth and the spatial sizes of these heterogeneities; and, thirdly, a likelihood estimation of efficiency of the allocated loosened local sites of a geological section. The technique successfully and effectively allows to combine the raised possibilities of processing on profiles with end result reception on the area.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90141©2012, GEO-2012, 10th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 March 2012, Manama, Bahrain