--> ABSTRACT: Utilization of LTFS to Solve Complex Issues Related to Data Sharing in Geo and Seismic Data Collection, by Brume, Shawn O.; #90141 (2012)

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Utilization of LTFS to Solve Complex Issues Related to Data Sharing in Geo and Seismic Data Collection

Brume, Shawn O.*1
(1) IBM, Tucson, AZ.

The amount of data being collected in the Geo Surveying environment is growing exponentially with the improvement of the surveying equipment. This exponential growth causes complexity in data storage and sharing.

To date the usage of Data Tape storage has been the most efficient and cost effective method for data collection. Massive amounts of data can be collected and stored for long periods of time on Tape. The complexity of this model is the sharing and retrieving of this data.

The solution is the integration of Long Term File System (LTFS) for data collection, storage and sharing. LTFS stores data on tape in a self describing format that allows data streaming of files to and from the media while also allowing for selective file retrieval and complete interoperability between Server Operating systems. LTFS also allows the user to retrieve files deskside without special software.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90141©2012, GEO-2012, 10th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 March 2012, Manama, Bahrain