Frac'ing the Limits — How Application of Novel Tools and Techniques Helped Stimulate Arabia's Deepest Reservoirs
Briner, Andreas *1; Curtino, Joe 1; Hinai, Ghaith 1; Mahruqy, Sultan 1; Qobi, Latifa 1; Archer, Ray 1
(1) Exploration Directorate, PDO, Muscat, Oman.
In 2009 Petroleum Development Oman has started an ambitious deep and tight gas exploration programme exploring for previously untapped reservoirs. The exploration strategy is focusing on both conventional tight gas plays as well as deep unconventional gas resources.
This paper presents some of the results of this exploration campaigns and the lessons learnt while drilling some of the deepest wells in the Arabian Peninsula.
Special focus will be given on demonstrating the crucial requirement of integrating various unconventional data sources to enhance the chance of successful reservoir characterisation that leads to better understanding of presence of hydrocarbons and reservoir quality.
The exploration team has come-up with novel workflows that help planning the completions and successful stimulation of the target reservoirs to overcome the challenges of frac’ing some of the world’s hardest and oldest rock formations.
Successful engagements with vendors and operators of unconventional gas developments led to a technology application plan where novel tools and techniques are applied and tested for the first time in the Middle East.
Several successful examples from this technology application plan will be demonstrated in this paper; with a focus on geomechanics, advanced mud gas analysis, underbalanced drilling and hydraulic fracture monitoring.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90141©2012, GEO-2012, 10th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 March 2012, Manama, Bahrain