Time Extrapolation of the Double-Square-Root Equation: Prestack Exploding Reflector Modeling and Migration
Alkhalifah, Tariq A.*1; Fomel, Sergey 2
(1) PSE, KAUST, Thawul, Saudi Arabia. (2) University of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX.
Unlike prestack imaging using the conventional wave equation, which requires an integral based imaging condition, imaging using the double square (DSR) equation avoids that requirement and thus provides an explicit relation between the imaging operator and medium parameters. Thus, while most of the modern seismic imaging methods perform imaging by separating input data into parts (shot gathers), we develop a formulation that is able to incorporate all available data at once while numerically propagating the recorded multidimensional wavefi[|#12#|]eld backward in time. While computationally extensive, this approach has the potential of generating accurate images, free of artifacts associated with conventional approaches. Also, unlike RTM, which requires an integral-based imaging condition, imaging using the double square-root equation avoids that requirement and thus provides an explicit relationship between the imaging operator and medium parameters. A numerical extrapolation shows the evolution of the wavefield in the prestack domain using a prestack exploding reflector modeling experiment.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90141©2012, GEO-2012, 10th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 March 2012, Manama, Bahrain