Cretaceous−Palaeogene Basin Development and Prospectivity in the NE Baffin Bay, West Greenland
Ulrik Gregersen, John R. Hopper, and Paul Knutz
GEUS - Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark.
In the northeastern part of the Baffin Bay, offshore northwest Greenland, mapping of seismic sections, gravity data and magnetic data suggest the presence of large structures and deep sedimentary basins, locally up to 8-15 km deep. Structural crests at possible mid- to late Cretaceous or Early Paleocene levels occur mainly at ~1 km to ~3 km depths below sea-level, and are located mainly along the Melville Bay Ridge and the Kivioq Ridge. Sedimentary rocks of the structural highs may in part be similar to outcrops found in the surrounding region. Subsidence and post-rift deposition of the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic sections formed thick overburden over the basins and deeper structures. Mapping of an inferred mid-Cretaceous possible source rock level at present burial depths, indicate that it is likely to be in the early to main or late oil window in shallow basinal parts, whereas the major deeper parts may be overmature. Mapped DHI’s in parts of the NE Baffin Bay indicate an active petroleum system, likely involving similar sources as those analyzed from onshore oil-seeps of Cretaceous and Paleocene ages. Some of the structures seem to have an interesting combination of large structural closures, thick overburden and limited distances in up-dip directions from possible kitchen areas. Extensional normal faulting formed large deeper structures presumably active during Cretaceous times. Faulting and related flexures and anticlines in the central and northern parts of the study area indicate renewed tectonism and some reactivation of older faults in Palaeogene times. The data also indicate some later Cenozoic basin marginal uplift towards east in the Melville Bay. A basalt cover of a probable Palaeogene age occurs in the southernmost part of the study area.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90096©2009 AAPG 3-P Arctic Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia