Petroleum Systems of the Northern Siberian Platform
Sergey V. Frolov, G. G. Akhmanov, N. P. Fadeeva, and E. A. Bakay
Geological Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
For one and a half billion years several sedimentary basins have been developing on the north of Siberian Platform, resulting in a variety of petroleum systems. The basins of two types have occurred there in Riphean. Some (e.g. Anabar-Kureika and Udzha) basins were syneclise-like. They have evolved most intensively during Early Mezoproterozoic. Other (e.g. Turukhansk) basins have been formed at margins of Siberian paleo-continent. They mainly consists of Late Mezoproterozoic - Early Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks. During the Baikalian orogeny (850-650 Ma) the sedimentary covers of the basins were deformed and partly eroded. High potential source rocks are known in all basins at different levels. Thus, a key question is a time of hydrocarbon generation maximum. Significant part of oil-and-gas accumulations formed in pre-Baikalian time could be obliterated during later tectonic activization. The most prospective reservoirs in Riphean are related to pre-Vendian weathering crust of carbonates.
Depocentre of the Vendian (Late Neoproterozoic) - Middle Paleozoic basin was located in Kureika syneclise. The Vendian source rocks, most probably, are confined with its central parts. Source rock potential of Cambrian series increases to the north-east and north-west, toward passive margins of paleo-continent. Silurian graptolite shales are abundant on the north-west of the platform. The most promising reservoirs in Vendian are basal sandstones. The Cambrian and Silurian carbonate buildups and the Ordovician (Arenigian) alluvial fan sandstones are very prospective. In most cases zones of these reservoir distribution are forecasted along the flanks of Kureika syneclise.
The depocentres of Carboniferous-Permian basin were located within the South-Taymir foredeep and at the north of Anabar-Lena depression. The source rocks are Carboniferous-Lower Permian marine shales where as sandstones of different origin are considered as reservoirs.
The deepest Mezozoic basin was Yenisei- Khatanga through. The best source rocks within the through are Upper Jurassic and the best reservoirs are Neocomian.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90096©2009 AAPG 3-P Arctic Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia