--> Abstract: Depositional Facies and Diagenesis of the Lansing–Kansas City Section, O’Connor Field, Stafford County, Kansas, by Loveness Mpanje and S. J. Mazzullo; #90067 (2007)

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Depositional Facies and Diagenesis of the LansingÐKansas City Section, OÕConnor Field, Stafford County, Kansas


Loveness Mpanje and S. J. Mazzullo. Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas 67260 [email protected]


The lithostratigraphy, depositional facies, and diagenetic attributes of limestones and shales in the LansingÐKansas City section were examined in a continuous core taken in OÕConnor field in Stafford County, Kansas. The field comprises 1,120 productive acres and had a maximum of 27 producing wells. The field was discovered by Cities Service Oil Co. in 1948 with their discovery well in C SE SE sec. 8, T. 24 S., R. 15 W. It produces or has produced gas from the Council Grove and Howard Limestone, oil from the LansingÐKansas City section, and the Simpson, and oil and gas from the Arbuckle. To date the field has produced a total of 360 MBO and 1.43 BCFG. The LansingÐKansas City section in the field, as elsewhere in the state, comprises carbonate-dominated, transgressive-regressive cycles separated by subaerial unconformities, and in some units, pedogenically altered shales. Production from the LansingÐKansas City section is from reservoirs that represent structurally modified depositional-facies-type traps. Depositional facies recognized in these cycles include high-energy carbonate sands, shallow-marine algal banks, and low-energy muddy carbonate rocks. The mostly secondary porosity present in the rocks likely resulted, at least initially, from repeated episodes of dissolution attending subaerial exposure. The complex three-dimensional architecture of these cycles is locally stacked to mostly laterally juxtaposed reservoirs that reflect lateral shifts in the loci of deposition of individual facies.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90067©2007 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Wichita, Kansas