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Kansas Oil and Gas Activity, 1860-2006

Timothy R. Carr and Daniel F. Merriam.  Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS 66047  [email protected]


The oil and gas industry in Kansas was inaugurated in the late 19th century with discovery of oil in a shallow well drilled in Miami County. Since that time, over 390,000 wells have been drilled in the search and production of oil and gas in the state. A series of technical advances along with new exploration and exploitation techniques have helped the Kansas oil industry stay competitive through the years. Technologies such as rotary drilling, waterflooding, fracture stimulation, geophysical imaging, and new knowledge such as sorbed gas reservoirs (i.e., coalbed methane and shale gas) have contributed to maintaining and increasing production. Political and economic factors at the local, national, and international levels interplay with scientific concepts and technical advances to affect the course of development of the Kansas petroleum industry as it is constituted today. The state has gone from the number-one producer in 1916 to number ten, but the industry is now growing and remains viable in the 21st century. Future production will depend on intelligent governmental policy and the continued initiative of the Kansas oil and gas industry. Cumulative production through 2006 is 6.23 billion barrels of oil and 39.4 trillion cubic feet of gas. Current annual production of 35.7 million barrels and 370 billion cubic feet coupled with the high prices is a money-maker for the independent operators, royalty owners, suppliers, and government. With a value of almost 5 billion at the wellhead, the industry is one of the largest contributors to state's economy.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90067©2007 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Wichita, Kansas