Petrophysical Characterization of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian for a High Permeability Well at Dos Bocas Area
Silvestre Carlos Rodríguez Díaz1, Chamaly Revelez Ramirez2,
and María del Carmen Hernández Hernández3
1 PEMEX, Activo Integral Abkatun-PolChuc, Coordinación de Prospectos y Caracterización Inicial,
Ranchería El Limón S/N, Terminal Marítima Dos Bocas, Paraíso, Tabasco, CP 86600, México
2 PEMEX, Activo Integral Muspac, Caracterización de Yacimientos, Equipo de Productividad de Pozos,
Carretera a Estación Juárez s/n Zona Industrial, Reforma, Chiapas, CP 29500, México
3 PEMEX, Activo Integral Litoral Tabasco, Coordinación de Prospectos y Caracterización Inicial,
Ranchería El Limón S/N, Terminal Marítima Dos Bocas, Paraíso, Tabasco, CP 86600, México
This paper shows the end result of the petrophysical characterization of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian of the Marino-1 well, using the Quickscan methodology. The main objective was to find the main factors controlling the high hydrocarbon production in the Marino Field which was the source of uncertainty at the beginning of the study. This field is located in front of the coast of Tabasco and was discovered with the exploration well Marino-1. This well has high production of both, gas and oil, from the Upper Jurassic-Kimmeridgian carbonates. It is structurally located on the crest of an anticline limited by normal and reverse faults in an oolitic bank sedimentary environment. Seven petrophysical rock types were defined in the well; good to moderate quality rocks are dominant in the reservoir. Fifteen flow units were determined in the reservoir, but only 4 show better storage, flow and cumulative hydrocarbon characteristics. These are related to zones of high permeability and secondary porosity (connected vugs and possible zones with fractures), as well as high R35 values and low water saturation above the free fluid level. Based on these results, it is now possible to understand that the high productivity in the field is associated to FU 14. The recommendation is to track field-wise other units showing similar or better petrophysical characteristics compared to FU 14 to test them and increase current production.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90069©2007 GCAGS 57th Annual Convention, Corpus Christi, Texas