3D Geospatial
and Structural Modeling of a Structurally Complex Deep-Water Basin; The Gosau Group, Western
Paton, Douglas1,
Bruce Trudgill2, Hugo Ortner3, Donald A. Medwedeff4,
Estelle Mortimer5, Mary Carr2, David, R. Pyles2
(1) Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (2) Colorado School of Mines, (3)
University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (4) Basin Analysis Team, ChevronTexaco Energy Technology Company, San Ramon, CA (5)
University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
The deep water Muttekopf
Gosau Group, western
The basin's principle controlling
structure, on the southern margin, comprises two structural domains: a western
fold domain and an eastern thrust domain. This change in structural style has a
pronounced influence on the basin fill. Strata in the fold domain are not
dissected by faults, are laterally continuous, and the axis of accumulation
migrates towards the north through time. This migration is interpreted to
reflect progressive growth on the confining structure. In contrast, strata
within the thrust domain are dissected by a number of faults that
compartmentalize the basin and result in significant local sand body thickness
variations. We propose that the fold domain is underlain by a blind thrust, and
that similar folding existed prior to thrusting in the east. The study provides
insights into the temporal evolution of a fold to thrust progression and the
associated variations in basin fill stratigraphy and stratal architecture. Only through this combined 3D
approach of basin analysis can the importance of structural controls on 4D
basin development be established.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California