Forward and
Inverse Modeling of Fault-Bend Folding
Connors, Christopher D.1,
Simon Levy2, Amanda Hughes2 (1) Washington and
We present a flexible forward modeling
approach for fault-bend folding based on a velocity description of deformation.
Flexural slip and inclined shear deformation associated with displacement over
bends in faults are unified into one transformation. For fault shapes in which
the fundamental fault-bend fold equations are valid, hanging wall fault-bend
folds are produced that conserve cross-sectional area, layer thickness, and
line length. If the active axial surface orientation is independently defined
from fault shape, local thickening or thinning within a thrust sheet occurs
while still conserving cross-sectional area. Our fault-bend folding inversion
approach searches for the solution that best honors the existing data by
comparing how closely the observed input data is to that derived from the
forward modeling output. The inversion modeling makes use of multi-objective
optimization performed by a genetic algorithm to evolve a population of
increasingly better solutions from an initial population constrained by the
observed data. Because a full forward model is produced for each comparison,
the inversion provides predictions for areas in the section where data is
lacking and suggests alternatives in poorly constrained areas, while honoring
specified boundary conditions such as conservation of area, line length or
layer thickness. Through multiple inversions, probabilistic uncertainty of the
solutions can be obtained. Alternatively inversions can be run with feedback
from an interpreter with multiple inversions guiding refinement of the
interpretation. Thus this inversion method is an objective generalization of
classical structural balancing for areas that have been deformed by fault-bend
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California