Shale Basins – Genesis, Evolution and Hydrocarbon Systems”
June 5-7, 2006 – Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Some Aspects of the Geometry and
Fluid Dynamics of Diapiric Mud Systems
Rod Graham,
Kelly Latter, Andy Pepper, Peter Mullin, and J.C. Wan
Amerada Hess Corporation
associated with diapiric mud have both geometrical similarities and differences
from those associated with salt. The cores of major anticlines like the western
South Caspian, the Pedernales structure, and offshore Trinidad
show the patchy destruction of coherent seismic reflectors which we associate
with mobile mud, but we argue that they are first and foremost anticlinal folds
formed in compression and that mud and volatile mobility is induced as a
consequence of the folding process. Similarly, structures like Atlantis in the
deep water Gulf of Mexico are almost certainly
salt cored compressional folds. Mud- cored anticlines are pierced by pipes of
diapiric mud which reach to the surface as volcanoes, comparable, geometrically
at least, to the salt cored anticlinal folds of the Zagros or the Sierra Madre
with their local salt diapirs. Structures associated with withdrawal and
collapse occur in both mud and salt systems, but seem to be less common in mud
systems. We cite examples from the South Caspian and the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
Major gravity gliding is associated with mud mobility in many parts of the
world, but we know of no mud analogue of the massive salt canopies and welds
(withdrawn canopies) of the Gulf of Mexico and
suggest that for various reasons these are unlikely or unlikely to be
recognised. Opinions vary widely on the role of mud diapirs and volcanoes in
petroleum charging and entrapment. A discussion of hydrodynamic principles is
useful in constraining the possibilities, and therefore predicting the charge
mechanisms and column-retention capacities in associated petroleum plays.