Harris, Simon1, Attila Vaszi1, Noelle Odling1, Rob
(1) Rock Deformation Research, Leeds, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT: Accurately Representing Complex Fault Damage Zones within Reservoir Models
A 3D stochastic fault damage zone (FDZ) model linked directly to a discrete fault flow
model enables upscaled fluid flow properties of multiple realisations of regions of
complex fault zones to be assessed for inclusion in reservoir simulators. The models are
conditioned relative to the geometric factors that control the FDZ structure. The key
controlling the stochastic realisation of the FDZ and its efficiency at forming
a connected retarder to fluid flow are the fault length–frequency relationship,
orientation distributions, spatial clustering, fault/matrix permeability contrasts and
fault thickness–throw relationships. The upscaled permeability of a region of the FDZ
enables its efficiency as a fluid flow retarder to be characterised. Based upon
stochastically-generated FDZ models, we can assess the influences of the flow and
on the predicted 1D/2D/3D upscaled properties. In what situations is
it essential to model the complete 3D flow and when can 2D flow provide adequate
predictions? We address this question by ‘growing’ 2D regions into 3D. We can
also determine the distributions of flow pathway lengths and fault rock thicknesses along
flow pathways. Based upon a vast sequence of simulations through the above framework, a
summary matrix is created which forms the basis for
appropriate input and a
predictive/uncertainty tool to improve modelling of flow in fault damage zones in
reservoir simulation models.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.