Bjorklund, Tom1
(1) University of Houston, Houston, TX
ABSTRACT: Four-Dimensional Analysis of the Whittier Fault, Los Angeles Basin, California: A Model for Oil-Productive, Inverted Half-Grabens Associated with Continental Transform Fault Systems
Analysis of surface geologic maps and data from hundreds of oil wells in the
northeastern Los Angeles basin and the application of balanced cross section techniques
reveal a three-phase evolution of the Whittier fault.
1. Rotation of the Western Transverse Ranges and the formation of the proto-Whittier
normal fault and associated half-graben (ca. 14-10 Ma). During that time, organic-rich
shale was deposited in the half-graben and throughout the Los Angeles basin.
2. Transpression along the San Andreas fault and reactivation of the proto-Whittier fault
as a basement-involved reverse fault (ca. 8 Ma). Over the next 8 million years, structural
uplift continued and turbidite fan-channel systems and pelagic sediments eventually filled
the Los Angeles basin. Beginning at ca. 3 Ma, oil generated from the organic-rich shale
accumulated in structures along the Whittier fault, which became the oil fields that exist
there today.
3. Breakthrough onto the seafloor of the reactivated proto-Whittier fault and formation of
the present throughgoing Whittier fault system (ca. 5 Ma). Continued uplift led to
subaerial exposure of the hanging wall block and erosion of a possible 3 billion barrel
accumulation in the Soquel sandstone on the crest of the block, which could have become
the largest oil field in the Los Angeles basin.
Today, oil accumulations along the Whittier fault range in depth from less than 200 meters
to 2400 meters and include simple structural closures, faulted noses, combination
structural and stratigraphic traps and purely stratigraphic traps, one of which is a large
accumulation in a syncline.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90026©2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 18-21, 2004.