Calvin Cooper
ENI-Agip Division, San Donato Milanese, Italy
ABSTRACT: Mud Volcanoes of the South Caspian Basin – Seismic Data and Implications for Hydrocarbon Systems
The behavior of mobile mud in geologic systems and the variety of geological contexts in which it occurs is an increasingly common research theme. For industry this means great interest in mud volcanoes, mud diapirs and mobile shales. Technical objectives include evaluating the types of hydrocarbons, trap models, charge scenarios, and especially potential drilling hazards associated with these phenomenon. In some areas the impact of mud withdrawal on sedimentation patterns and potential reservoir distribution can be a critical concern. The enormous mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan are possibly the worlds’ most visually spectacular examples of a mobile mud phenomenon.
Recently acquired high quality 3D seismic data sets reveal that the Azeri mud volcanoes have much in common with classic magmatic volcanoes. They have little in common with diapirs. Simply put, now we can image below the shallow gas, and it looks a lot different than many have imagined.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado