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P. Turner1, D. Pilling2, D. Walker2, N. Sabaou1, J. Exton3, and J. Binnie3

1School of Earth Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham
2PM Geos, Exchange House, 26-28 Exchange Street, Aberdeen
3BHP Petroleum, Neathouse Place, Victoria, London

ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Late Triassic TAG-I (Blocks 401/402, Berkine Basin, Algeria)

The Berkine Basin is an intra- or pericratonic basin that developed during the Middle to Late Triassic on the margin of the Saharan platform. The basin lies to the east of the north-south trending Hassi Messaoud Ridge which separates it from the Oued Mya Basin to the west. These Algerian basins lie to the south and east of the network of rift basins that developed in the Iberian peninsular and along the margins of the North Atlantic seaboard.

The principal hydrocarbon reservoir is the Upper Triassic Argilo-Gréseux Inférieur (TAG-I) which, in Blocks 401a and 402a, is Carnian to Norian in age. Elsewhere in North Africa, especially to the south and east, there are older Triassic Formations. For example, in Zarzaïtine in the extreme south east of the Triassic Algerian outcrop, Anisian vertebrates are documented. The Kirchaou Sandstones of Tunisia are considered to be Anisian to Ladinian in age. These older Triassic sediments are separated from the younger TAG-I and its equivalents by one or more intra-Triassic disconformities or unconformities which are also recognized in the 401a and 402a area.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado