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G. J. Ambrose1, P. D. Kruse1, and P. E. Putnam2

1Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy, Darwin (Australia)
2Petrel Robertson Consulting Ltd, Calgary (Canada)

ABSTRACT: Exploration in a Middle Cambrian carbonate succession, Georgina Basin, Australia

This paper addresses salient aspects of the geology and hydrocarbon potential of the southern Georgina Basin, an area exceeding 100, 000 sq km. This basin includes a Middle Cambrian petroleum system which to date has attracted little exploration largely due to a dearth of modern seismic; the area includes only 750 km of modern seismic. In addition only 18 exploration wells have been drilled, none of which tested a valid structural closure. The electric log data together with seismic, core, and newly acquired aeromagnetic data facilitated simplification of the existing stratigraphy and allowed the construction of regional isopachs based on lithostratigraphic units, correlateable over hundreds of kilometres, which in turn enabled an improved reconstruction of basin history and tectonic controls.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado