David R. Smith1, Eric Eslinger2
(1) BP, Houston, TX
(2) Eric Geoscience Inc, Glenmont, NY
ABSTRACT: Formation Evaluation and Fluid Inclusion Data comparison - Deep Tuscaloosa Gas Reservoir, Judge Digby Field, Louisiana
During the last 25 years the deep Lower Cretaceous Tuscaloosa of central Louisiana has been a prolific gas trend. BP operates 97% of all production from the Tuscaloosa. New and creative ideas in the last 3 years at the 500 BCFG Judge Digby Field have rekindled interest in this mature trend of high pressure (16000 psi), high temperature (350-400 degrees F), multiple stacked (9 zones) reservoirs. The use of fluid inclusion analysis has shown to be helpful in the efficient exploitation of existing and deeper reservoirs at Judge Digby Field.
Traditional formation evaluation from open-hole log analysis is compared with fluid inclusions found within drill cuttings. The strongest fluid inclusion responses are found in the shales and siltstones above the larger gas columns. These very dominant responses are considered as proximity to pay indicators and were absent in the shales above the same downdip wet reservoirs. Similar fluid inclusion response in fault blocks with shallow wells has been used as a tool to predict deeper gas reservoirs not yet penetrated in these fault blocks at Judge Digby field.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado