Pranaya Sangvai1, Dileep Singh Sagar1, Kharak Singh1
(1) Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd, Bombay, India
ABSTRACT: R(e)-shaping Energy Business
The evolution of Internet and web tools is really changing the business processes. Globally, energy sector is already responding to these changes and most of the companies are (r)e-shaping themselves to business through e-commerce. Indian Energy Business can't ignore this factor and its great potential. Indian E&P companies have started realizing that e-business is an indispensable instrument of trade for the future of energy industry. Therefore, B2B template needs to be evolved by each E&P Company, and commence the online transactions through e-business solution models.
This paper attempts to study the feasibility of adopting an e-business solution model to ONGC, a major National Oil Company of India and build a model based on certain determinants and create a web-enabled data base driven e-commerce web site. The feature on this site shall focus on marketing of ONGC's infrastructure, expertise, services and case histories of technical and managerial importance. Online trading, e-payment and e-procurement shall be possible on the proposed solution model.
The better transparency shall be visible to the shareholders, clients & customers. Feedback through the site will orient company to cater the renewed needs of the industry. The exemplified model will also prove as best solution finder and troubleshooter for the technical & technological problems.
ONGC, by becoming a virtual company, can perform its business in efficient and profit boosting manner by way of operating at reduced costs, earning the revenues through new sources and capitalizing the global opportunities. This proposed model would connect organization to network economy.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado