Philippe Samson1, Vivien de Feraudy1, Martine Bez1
(1) TotalFinaElf, Pau, France
ABSTRACT: Integrated 3D Reservoir Characterization and Uncertainty Evaluation: A Case Study in the Tertiary Deep Sea Deposit Offshore Africa
This case study presents an integrated evaluation of the original hydrocarbon in place and the associated uncertainties, on a channel complex located in the tertiary of the deep offshore Africa. The construction of the 3D model from seismic interpretation is described. Detailed sequential stratigraphy interpretation from well logs allows to spatially delineate five individual channels with the help of seismic attribute maps and cross sections. Their sedimentological content, deduced from architectural elements observed on seismic data and calibrated on wells is then included. Stochastic generation of the petrophysical properties, using geostatistical methods (Sequential Indicator Simulation and Sequential Gaussian Simulation) allows to characterise the petrophysical properties of the architectural elements. Hundreds of different images of the model are done. Both the geometry and the petrophysical parameters vary simultaneously from a realisation to another. For each realisation an OOIP calculation is done, and the final output is an histogram of accumulation. Influence on OOIP of the uncertainty of each parameter is evaluated separately. A selection of realisations to be transferred to the dynamic simulation is done on the Probability Density Function.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado