Scott C. Reeve1, Daniel M. Truempy1
(1) Shell International Exploration and Production Inc, Houston, TX
ABSTRACT: Seismic Expression of the Offshore Extension of the Western Atlas, Morocco
In 1998 a grid of 1914 kilometers of 2D seismic was acquired as part of the work commitment for two seismic options obtained by Shell Recherches et Exploitation Maroc B.V. off the coast of the Moroccan port city of Agadir. Combined with preexisting seismic, this data facilitates the mapping of the offshore extension of the Western Atlas and covers the area of the modern Agadir Canyon. Shell has since converted its two seismic options to 5 exploration concessions. These permits are seaward of the Jurassic carbonate margin and extend into water depths in excess of 2500 meters. They are centered over a Paleogene to Miocene depocenter superimposed upon a coast parallel wedge of predominantly Lower Cretaceous age clastics. Triassic salt, already structured by the Lower Cretaceous clastic depositional wedge is reactivated by the Tertiary depocenter and by compressive motion associated with the Atlas front. The 5 concession blocks cover 9000 km2 and contain 33 to 35 individual salt culminations. Classic Gulf of Mexico style salt minibasins inboard transition to salt wall geometries and a small frontal salt overthrust sheet outboard.This thrust trend begins just to the SW of the Shell concessions, extends across the deepest two Shell blocks and continues northward into the seismic option areas currently held by Lasmo and Vanco. Additional seismic acquisition is planned for 2001.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado